1991: Biosphere

Biosphere is an interesting example of the evolution of 1960s cult environmentalism into a trans-generational phenomenon. The fact that it was ultimately unsuccessful for its primary objectives may speak to the fact that the 1960s were truly dead as a cultural zeitgeist, and the world was deeper into its period of unraveling, and attempted to reinvent itself as "New Age".

Sincerity was supplanted by ironicism and sarcasm in many arenas in the 1990s (especially in art and music). The world had already moved on from peace and love and was perhaps less environmentally concerned post-Reagan, or had completely capitulated to the notion that the world was beyond repair, and we would need to prepare to decamp to other planets.

In the end, Biosphere has in fact become more practical as a laboratory, which is what is in essence--not a simulation for a Mars colony--again reinventing itself for adaptation on Earth in a time of crisis.


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